Heres where I'll keep the updated list of people in the Child of Fulp Collab.
== Designated Parts ==
Preloader: Open
Menu: Open
Transition: 14hourlunchbreak
Intro: Open
Credits: Twilight95
== Other Parts ==
1.) coolpick
2.) Open
3.) Open
4.) Open
5.) Open
6.) Open
7.) Open
8.) Open
9.) Open
10.) Open
11.) Open
12.) Open
13.) Open
14.) Open
15.) Open
16.) Open
17.) Open
18.) Open
19.) Open
20.) Open
== Designated Parts Guidelines ==
Preloader: I'm perfectly happy using a NG preloader, but if you want to give it a shot, then be my guest. Please understand that if it's no good I will use a NG preloader.
Menu: You really just need to be able to make a well designed menu for this thing. It would be nice if you knew how to make a scene select feature as well.
As for all the other desegnated parts, we'll talk more extensively about it when you contact me.
roojames has stated that you may use any of his music. He has also offered to do british voice acting if you'd like.
I am sooooo in.